Wait Elements in Flow: How Do They Differ from the Old Pause Element?

Wait Elements in Flow- How Do They Differ from the Old Pause Element?

Pause element allows you to add time based actions to your autolaunched and schedule-triggered flows. Although it is not one of the elements that you use every day, it used to be one of the main elements of flow. However, in the Winter '24 release, Salesforce introduced three new Wait elements to replace the Pause element. In this post, we will see what the new wait elements are and how they differ from the old pause element.

New Wait Elements

Salesforce replaced the Pause element with three new Wait elements.

Wait Elements in Flow

Let's explore what these elements are and how to use them.

Wait for Conditions

Wait for Conditions element replaces the Pause element, and there is almost no difference between them. You can use this element to wait until a specific time or until a platform event message. Similar to the old Pause element, you can set the resume time by inputting a base time, offset number, and unit. Moreover, you can set the wait conditions and you can add multiple wait configurations by clicking the plus button.

Wait for Conditions Element

Wait for Amount of Time

Wait for Amount of Time element enables you to wait for a specified duration, with valid values being Minutes, Hours, Days, and Months. Furthermore, you can resume at a specific time of day.

Wait for Amount of Time Element

While it may appear as a completely new feature, accomplishing this was also possible using the old Pause element. For instance, you could create a date/time formula that returns three months from the current date and use it as the resume time of the Pause element. However, the new Wait for Amount of Time element makes the configuration much easier.

Wait Until Date

Wait Until Date element lets you wait until a specific date and time.

You only need to set the resume date/time and choose the time zone. Once again, achieving this was also possible using the old Pause element. For instance, you could create a date/time formula that returns the specific date you desire and use it as the resume time for the Pause element. However, the new Wait Until Date element simplifies the configuration significantly.


Salesforce replaced the Pause element with three new Wait elements in the Winter '24 release. Although they may sound as completely new features, they just make the configuration easier. Moreover, do not forget that these Wait elements are available only in autolaunched and schedule-triggered flows. Which means that you won't be using these elements every day.


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