Celebration is a fun way to engage your users and celebrate wins with them right on their Salesforce screen. Admins can enable Celebration and customize when users will experience the on-screen confetti for updating a record with Path. Although this great feature is available only for Paths, it is possible to use a custom confetti screen component in your screen flows. However, since it is a screen component, it is available only in screen flows. This means that you cannot use this screen component to show confetti on regular field updates.
In this post, you can find a component (LWC) that lets you show confetti on record pages using a record-triggered flow.
How to Use the Component
1- Install the package using the installation links below.
2- Add the "Platform Event Show Confetti" component somewhere on the record page.
3- There is a platform event in this package. Once you publish a "Show Confetti" platform event, this component shows confetti. Therefore, the next step is to build a flow that publishes the platform event.
For example, let's build a record-triggered flow to show confetti when the Type becomes "Customer".
Add a Create Records element to publish the platform event. Choose Show_Confetti__e as the object and populate the RecordId and Type fields. RecordId is the ID of the record where you want to show confetti. Type is the type of confetti, with available values being Cannon, Fireworks, Shower, and Winner.
Please note that this component shows the confetti only for the user who published the platform event. This means that if another user is viewing the same record, they won't see the confetti.
Installation Links
Use this link to install in production or developer edition environments.
Use this link to install in sandbox environments.
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