Have you ever wanted to play sound effects on flow screens? If so, this component is the solution that you are looking for.
Play Sound Component
Play Sound Component is a screen component (LWC) designed to play any sound file you choose. It doesn't include preloaded sound effects but instead allows you to upload your own sound files to the system. This means you can play any sound you like. It could be an effect, music, or even a recorded speech to guide users through the process.
How to Use the Component
1- Install the package using the installation links below.
2- Upload your sound file to Static Resources in Salesforce setup.

3- Create a screen flow and add the "Play Sound Component" screen component to a flow screen.

This component has only one input parameter called Sound File. You need to provide the name of the sound file that you uploaded to Static Resources. Make sure to enter the name of the Static Resource, not the file itself.
This component retrieves the sound file from Static Resources and plays it. For optimal performance, it is recommended to use small sound files. Larger files may cause delays in loading and affect the component's performance.
Installation Links
Use this link to install in production or developer edition environments.
Use this link to install in sandbox environments.
Watch this video to see the component in action.
Hey Yumi,
Is this component still working in the current versions of Salesforce? I've uploaded a simple 'Ding' MP3 sound file as a static resource, and installed this component from the UnofficialSF.com link and configured it, but no sound plays, even though I can see the symbol on the flow page.